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Join Wondermd.

Find a pediatrician of your choice in Pickering, Ontario
As there are only a few walk-in clinics in the area and Pickering has a population of 100,000, parents sometimes have no choice but to go to the hospital to take their children when they are not feeling well. High-urgency patients at Lakeridge Health Ajax – Pickering stay in the hospital for an average of 3 to 4 hours before receiving full care. This time increases dramatically if they need to visit the emergency room. WonderMD can offer knowledgeable pediatric help beyond business hours.
Prioritizing children and their parents
When you require a consultation for your child, WonderMD is a credible virtual solution for all parents. To ensure that any queries or worries may be effectively addressed, we make it simple and stress-free to use. For your peace of mind as well as your child’s requirements, worry no more because WonderMD connects you with practicing healthcare providers and pediatricians in your neighborhood.

Utilizing the efficiency and power
of modern technology
Numerous pediatric care services can be offered online, which helps free up hospital and clinical units when they’re under the most pressure. Consider the question: Does your child require pediatric services in Pickering? Our registered pediatricians are more than happy to provide an online consultation for your child. In addition, our pediatricians offer all kinds of advice and recommendations to ensure that your child is healthy. This may be accomplished by straightforward, secure video, sparing you the need to travel while guaranteeing that your child can receive complete assistance from the comfort of their home.
Any child in Pickering, Ontario, is also eligible for virtual consultations once their parents register them on the WonderMD app. Speak to your family doctor, sign up and make a referral to a specialist. You can consult a pediatrician via virtual visits while feeling secure and at home.

Join WonderMD
Get a referral from your family doctor and sign up on the WonderMD app.
Gain access to the best pediatric doctors in Pickering.
Consult with a pediatrician
Make sure your child’s health requirements is quickly and accurately diagnosed. Receive dependable medical attention and wellness guidance. Our healthcare experts will provide clear next actions for any symptoms that your child may be experiencing.
Enjoy the perks of using WonderMD
Virtual visits are simple and convenient. Our specialists will ensure your little one receives the best medical care possible. So avoid the stress of doctor visits and enjoy online consultations with the best pediatric experts in your home.
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